Wednesday, April 6, 2011

High-Fiber Diet: A Body Detoxifier

Do you have difficulty moving your bowel? Are you suffering from atherosclerosis or hypercholesterolemia or diabetes? Something's wrong with your diet. One helpful dietary management is for you to go on a high-fiber diet!

A high-fiber diet is a modified balanced diet with higher fiber content. This is effected by including more fruits, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains in meal preparation. Fiber, the "forgotten nutrient,: is also called bulk or roughage. Its helpful effects never change. It helps reduce the amount of fats and sugar in the bloodstream. It makes the elimination of waste products faster thus preventing constipation.

Fish, milk, meat, and eggs contain no fiber. Fiber can only be taken from fruits, nuts, vegetables, cereals, whole grains, and legumes. The more the food is in its natural form (unrefined), the higher is its fiber content. Processing reduces fiber content. 

    • Establish a regular eating schedule
    • Eat three good meals daily with breakfast as the heaviest and supper as the lightest
    • Take time to enjoy your food
    • Use unrefined foods instead of processed or refined products.
    • Substitute meat and fish with legumes and nuts
    • Include leafy vegetables in meals as much and as frequent as possible
    • Increase fluid intake. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily between meals
    • Eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, and grains with seeds, skin, and membrane when possible
    • Avoid apple, banana, guava, star apple, and the like if you have constipation. Instead, eat papaya, pineapple, prunes, oranges, (whole segment), watermelon
    • Include a variety of foods form meal to meal
    • Avoid tea, coffee, and alcoholic and carbonated beverages